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5 Tips For Homebuying: Tips Every First Time Home Buyer Should Know

December 27, 20236 min read

Title: 5 Tips to Home Buying: Navigating the World of Mortgages and Realtors

So, you've decided to embark on the wild adventure of home buying. Congratulations! Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions, a dash of anxiety, and a pinch of excitement – the perfect recipe for adulting. Now, let's navigate this jungle of mortgages, realtors, and the occasional surprise monkey wrench.

1. Find a Mortgage Broker: Your Financial GPS

Imagine trying to find your way through a dense forest without a compass. Sounds absurd, right? Well, welcome to the mortgage jungle! Your Mortgage Broker is your financial GPS, guiding you through the twists and turns of loan options, interest rates, and all the financial lingo that makes your head spin. They're the Sherpa of your homeownership journey – hire one. Looking for an in-depth guide on choosing the right mortgage? Check out our Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Course.

2. Get Pre-approved: Don't Window Shop Without Cash

Think of getting pre-approved as having the golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. You wouldn't window shop for candy without it, would you? Getting pre-approved puts you in the VIP lane, showing sellers you're serious and armed with the financial firepower to seal the deal. Don't be the kid pressed against the glass; get pre-approved and waltz into that dream home you have been wishing for your entire adult life.

3. Allocate Funds: It's Like Budgeting, but for Grown-Ups

Ah, money – the adulting fuel. Whether it's from your savings, a generous gift, or downpayment assistance, make sure your financial ducks are in a row. Allocate your funds strategically, you want to have your funds for downpayment, closing costs and miscellaneous fee's like a home inspection, attorney fees if any and appraisal handy. Remember, this is not the time for Monopoly money – we're playing with real houses now. Dive deeper into zero % down and no money down home buying strategies with our Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Course.

4. Finding the Best Realtor: Your Homebuying Wingman

It's time to find the Watson to your Sherlock, the Mulder to your Scully – your realtor. Specifically, a buyer's agent. They're not just here to unlock doors; they're your wingman in this dating game with houses. Your agent should be more than a key holder; they should be your confidant, guiding you through the market's peculiarities and helping you avoid the duds. Need more tips on choosing the perfect realtor? Our Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Course has got you covered. Showing you how to pinpoint top rate realtors in your local market with the push of a button. Finding a top realtor can save you time money and headaches. Make sure you choose wisely. And please dont hire a friend or a family member just because their licensed. In the real estate game EVERYONE has a license. Remeber our Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Course has got you covered on how to avoid making those mistakes that can cause you months of time or thousands of dollars.

5. Searching for the Right Home: Cutting Through the Noise

Now that you've got your team assembled, it's time to go house hunting. Brace yourself for the onslaught of listings, each more enticing than the last. Use your budget and location as your machete, cutting through the noise to find that hidden gem. Remember, it's not just about the house; it's about the neighborhood, the vibe, and whether you can imagine morning coffee on that porch. Enhance your home search skills with our Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Course. As we have put together a bulletproof strategy that allows you to search a market grading system allowing you to choose the best place for you and your family to live. Once you got that down, your pre-approval, monthly payment and home criteria will show you the way. When done right finding the right home to buy should take you no more than 1-2 weeks of house hunting after you have weeded out the duds.

Bonus Round: The Home Stretch

  1. Make an Offer: It's like proposing but with fewer tears (hopefully). Be sure to make a strong offer but remember a home is worth what the market is willing to pay for it. If there is high demand for that house be sure not to low ball. But always rely on comparable sales that have sold within no more than 90 days to guide you along with any in contract homes that are disclosing their price. Also when offering on a home don't be afraid to go big, $10,000 in purchase price is like a $20 a month difference in your payment. So be sure to know what you monthly payment is in comparison to your offer price so you can have ultimate clarity in making offers.

  2. Inspect the Home: It's the equivalent of giving your potential new roommate a once-over. No skeletons in that closet, right? A home inspection can be the peace of mind you need or the signal you need to run! Dont skip this part as it can also be an additional barganing factor when buying. You can use this to negotiate repairs, price or both. But the question is how do you pick one? well you guess it in our Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Blueprint - we got you covered.

  3. Provide Docs to Lender: More paperwork? Welcome to the bureaucracy of homeownership. When done right it shouldnt be as daunting as it has been for others, using the right lender can save you time on sending paperwork just one or better yet going fully digital, if your employer and your bank allow for it.

  4. Close: It's not a door; it's the opening of a new chapter in your life. Cue the dramatic music and step into a literal dream come true. Now what can you do here to save you even more time huh? Because lets be honest this is when the work starts, as moving from one place to another is quite the juggle. Well here we provide you with concierge service allowing for a seamless transfer of all your utilityies, bills subspritoonsn and more all while offering you the best deal on the market. Done for you FREE Concierge Service.

The Ultimate Home Buying Blueprint

First time home buyer, 5 tips to home buying, how to buy a home, first time home buyer grant


Congratulations, intrepid homebuyer! You've survived the jungle, wrestled with paperwork, and emerged victorious as the owner of your very own castle. May your floors be sturdy, your neighbors delightful, and your mortgage interest rates ever in your favor. Happy housewarming! 🏡🎉 Ready to take your homebuying expertise to the next level? Explore our comprehensive First Time Home Buyer Course.

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Mike Duran

Mike Duran is an entrepreneur by heart. Starting his career in sales Mike was a real estate salesperson first. With the skills he learned he gained interest in mortgages. Gravitating to becoming a mortgage broker Mike Duran has exceled in all aspects of his business. Now Mike enjoys digital marketing, course creation, building homes and spending time with his family. Mike Duran is originally from Queens, NY and now enjoys life in the country side of Upstate NY in Saratoga County.

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